Let’s Explore Videos

Inculcate familiarity with Lashon HaKodesh so the words of the Tefillot will become relevant and meaningful. The Let's Explore series helps young children discover the timeless world of Biblical Hebrew – Lashon Hakodesh. The series aims to build in each child an understanding of how the language of Biblical Hebrew works, thereby enabling students of any age to delve deeply into Hebrew texts, enjoying the richness and vitality of Lashon Hakodesh.

  • Lesson 1: שם עצם/פעל
  • Lesson 2: זכר/נקבה
  • Lesson 3: יחיד,יחידה, רבים, רבות
  • Lesson 4: תחליות
  • Lesson 5: סופיות
  • Lesson 6: זמן/ו’ ההפוך
  • Lesson 7: חלקי מלה
  • Lesson 8: Wrap-up

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